Complaint Letter and Reply to Complaint Letter
Complaint Letter Bogor, 23 December 2016 From : Dedy Hariadi Hafid To : Consierce Departement Dear sir I as a customer hotels to thank you for your service. However, in the interest along with this letter we would like to say a few words regarding the delivery of my goods Leave all the equipment that I've arrived on 23 December 2014, but the condition of equipment such as a fax machine is not in accordance with what we want, with the following details: 1 Packaging is damaged so that the machine is dirty. 2. suffered severe fax machine in the front 3 The fax machine come late. We hope that the fax machine is immediately replaced since meeting process will stop if no fax machine. Similarly, we say in this letter with the intention that the future is not the same thing happen. Thank you for your attention and cooperation of leader of ...